Urban Game: Action! On The Real City
This urban game aims to facilitate decision-making and design processes to understand complex, real-life urban transformations.
It explores the quantitative aspects of a sustainable approach to urban development through various disciplinary lenses. Through an iterative process that builds upon an existing role-playing game, students refine successive aspects of the game to enrich its potential as an urban analysis and scenario-generating tool.
The main challenges encountered include: identification of relevant parameters constituting the urban environment, simplification of real case studies, understanding the dynamics and game components, creation of an urban quality index that incorporates principles of social design and extending this index as a means of comparing global cities.
Throughout the development of the game, students learn how to define common visions and justify urban planning decisions in a trans-disciplinary framework. Approaching both systematic and creative approaches, the role of future urban designers and planners is strengthened, as moderators of an integrated city development.